Monday 30 September 2013

Find the Intel's Desktop Board with New Features

Everybody knows about the famous company Intel, as one of the world’s most famous chip manufacturers. Intel has invented many successful series of processors. Intel keeps on inventing and designing newer and better processors that could meet the requirement of current system. Most of the companies supply their computer systems that are powered by the processor made by Intel Corporation. Intel has launched a wide range of microprocessors. Pentium series, core series, Celeron series and many more processor series were launched by the Intel. Intel also proved to be a good desktop board designer. The board designed by the Intel offers many advantages to its users. Intel has recently launched a brand new mother board DZ77RE-75K for desktop.
Like always Intel has made a surprising invention that will definitely bring a big change in the computer world. Intel is the first company that have introduced a motherboard that supports both the latest technologies together i.e. Thunderbolt and USB 3.0. The board has quality to support the core –K processors. The board is so designed that it will support all the Intel processors that use LGA 1155 socket that means those processors that are based on sandy bridge and ivy bridge chipsets.
Ivy Bridge Processors is the latest launch of the Intel which is added with features for gamers and media enthusiasts. Intel has designed this processor with a unique 3-D structure that features the chips to work faster and to process the information quickly. This is also an energy efficient design because of which the chips will work at lesser power. With these qualities people can now easily create and edit and watch high definition videos and pictures with high resolution. It provides faster, easier and safe web surfing. The user can play mainstream games very quickly. Thus it adds up to the overall graphic capabilities to the computer system.
The interesting fact about the board is that it is made to support all the existing thunderbolt based storage devices. It also allows hot plug-in for these devices. It means you just need to attach your device to the board and it will be ready to use even when the computer is running, without any driver installation. This is one of the major advantages of the board because the thunderbolt storage devices need to be installed when the computer is not in running state or need to restart the computer for its recognition.
This article written by Devesh Rai behalf of Sunrise PC Support, Sunrise PC Support is Online Technical Support Company which provides the Tech Services like Online Technical Support for avast , Online Technical Support for Dell

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